One of the biggest hurdles for a new seamstress is acquiring the many tools of the trade that make the task easier. Here’s a list of suggested items for the new seamstress on your list…
New Seamstress Wish List

Basic Singer Sewing Machine – Singer has always been a very reliable brand for me and this basic sewing machine would make a great beginner machine. It does what you need for most doll sewing projects without all of the extra (and sometimes confusing) bells and whistles. (Plus it’s not extremely expensive!)

Dritz Start-to-Sew Kit – A nice collection of the basic tools needed for just about any sewing project.

Singer Sew Essentials Storage System – It only takes a few projects before a collection of thread, bobbins and other sewing “stuff” starts to pile up and make a mess. This system will help tackle the sewing room clutter… and it’s portable!

Doll Clothing-Sized Pressboard – Tiny clothes are much easier to press with a smaller pressboard such as this one listed at Etsy.

We R Memory Keepers Crop-A-Dile II Big Bite – This tool has a big name but it’s super easy to use. Extremely helpful for adding eyelets, snaps and other details to tiny doll sewing projects.

Fiskars Rotary Cutting Set – After using a self-healing mat, clear ruler and rotary cutter for a while, your seamstress will wonder how she ever did anything without them! Probably the most used items in my sewing room (next to the sewing machine, of course!)
What’s on YOUR Sewing Wish List?
Did I miss an essential sewing tool that’s on YOUR wish list? Feel free to share in the comments! (You never know… Santa might read this blog! )